Book An Appointment

No Obligation Estimate!

Book your appointment according to your schedule, and we will provide an on-site, no obligation estimate for FREE!

Quick & Easy Online Booking System:

  1. Select the date you would like to book your service on below.
  2. In an open time slot, input your full name, phone number, and email address. (Please note: Arrival is within the chosen two-hour window)
  3. Once we receive your appointment request, we will approve your booking, and contact you for further accommodations. Thank You!

Request an appointment

Request Form

Fill out this short form and a Faith and Grace Flooring, LLC representative will contact you within 24 hours.

We would love to hear all the details about your project! Please provide us with as much information as possible. Let us know the quantity of flooring needed and whether there is existing flooring to be removed. If there is, kindly specify the type. Also, please inform us if the installation will be on a concrete slab or a wooden subfloor. Lastly, feel free to share if you already have the necessary adhesives and setting materials. Your input helps us tailor our services to your unique project.

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